7 chakras and 7 Benefits for beginners.

What are 7 Chakras?

The Sanskrit term chakra means “wheel.”
Before knowing what are 7 chakras it is important to understand that you are ENERGY. All living creatures on this planet are comprised of energy.
So the 7 chakras are the 7 energy points(centers) within the human body and energy is constantly flowing through them.

7 Benefits of 7 Chakras-

1)Sahaswara chakra/Crown chakra - 

         It is located at the top of the head and it represents violet colour. It is associated with knowledge, understanding ,enlightenment and spiritual connection to ourselves, others, and to the divine. 

2)Ajna chakra/Third Eye Chakra -

        It is a indigo color chakra which is located in the center of forehead.It is associated with intuitions and imagination.

3)Vishuddha/Throat Chakra -

         It is located in the throat and it represents blue colour. it is associated with communication and ability to speak our highest truth.

4)Anahata/Heart Chakra-

         It represents green colour and located at the centre of chest and it is at the middle of the seven .it serves as a bridge between our body, mind, emotions, and spirit. The heart chakra is our source of love,Hope, connection and comparison.

5)Manipura/Solar plexus Chakra- 

         It represents yellow colour and located near solar plexus.chakra is our source of personal power, desires and self-esteem.

6)Svadhisthana/Sacral Chakra-

       It is between navel and genitals and it represents orange colour.It is associated with our creativity, intimacy, emotions and sexuality.

7)Muladhar/Root chakra-

        It represents red colour and located at the base of spine.When this chakra is open, we feel safe and fearless.it is associated with survival and security.


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