For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Just as Newton’s 3rd law of physics is applied universally, so too are the laws of spirituality.

Man becomes what he thinks about all day long. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

The law of cause and effect states that every cause has an effect and every effect becomes the cause of something else. This law suggests that the universe is always in motion and progressed from a chain of events.

Your thoughts, behaviors, and actions create specific effects that manifest and create your life as you know it.The law of cause and effect states that our thoughts are creative. Thoughts are embedded with the power of creation. For better or worse, they affect our speech, behaviors, and actions. Our thoughts are seeds planted in the soil of consciousness.

To know the law of cause and effect is to understand that our thoughts organize and create the reality of everything we see. Because we are in this experience together, we are all in a continuous process of co-creation.

The law of cause and effect states that:

•Every effect has a specific and predictable cause.

•Every cause or action has a specific and predictable effect.

•Success in any field of endeavor is a direct result of specific causes and actions.

•Success in any field of endeavor is an indirect result of specific causes and actions.

•Success is not built upon chance or luck.

•Success is not determined outside of you.

•Success is created within you.

•Everything happens for reasons, whether good or bad.

•Your life conditions create effects.

•Your life reactions to events and people determines how you feel and behave.

•Your thoughts create causes.

•Your thoughts give meaning to circumstances.

•Your thoughts are creatively manifesting your reality.

•Your life experience is a reflection of thought manifestations.

•Because we have free choice, this means that we also have free choice to unlearn our thoughts, behaviors and reactions.

•Because we have free choice, this means that we also have free choice to become proactive and conscious thinkers.

•Free choice means that it is never too late to turn things around.


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