How to overcome EGO?

The ego is a collection of beliefs and past experiences that defines how a person interacts with life and that keeps you locked away in your own little world, separated from the present moment. The ego loves to keep us trapped there—rehashing old hurts, perceived mistakes, ancient regrets.Your ego thrives on separating you from the moment and from others who share in this moment with you. It is thus fundamental for the well-being of everyone to learn how to listen, accept our differences and build together a more peaceful way of living. Following are some recommendations to help you transcend the ego: 1. Overcome the need for more : It doesn’t matter how much you have, your ego will keep on asking for more. It is never enough, you will be trapped. Ironically, when you overcome the ego, it feels as if you have more than you want. You will realize how little you really need, and will be at peace. You will be pleased with yourself by simply living. 2. Never complain : Negativity is the so...