Nikola Tesla said, "If you wish to understand the Universe  think of energy, frequency and vibration."

EVERYTHING is energy! Seriously, everything. Whether it be a human, plant, chair, or thought, everything in our existence is part of an interconnected web of electromagnetic vibrational frequencies.Web of energy is commonly referred to as a “life force” or “soul” that connects a stream of consciousness between all atoms and particles in the universe.

We all vibrate energetically at a particular frequency. The lower the frequency, the denser your energy, and the heavier your problems seem.

All humans and objects have an energy field that has its own vibrational
frequency.Vibrations refer to the oscillating and vibrating movement of atoms and particles caused by energy. Even solid objects like tables are actually made up of microscopic vibrating atoms that receive, store, and emit energy.

Frequencies are used to determine and differentiate vibrational patterns. Frequency, which is measured in hertz (Hz) units, is the rate at which vibrations and oscillations occur.So, an atom that is vibrating at a faster rate would be considered a higher frequency than one that is vibrating at a much slower rate. Differentiating between high and low frequencies is important for understanding how the two interact with each other and can be beneficial or detrimental to your health.

Bruce Tainio, famous researcher and developer of Tainio Technology, found that a healthy body resonates at a frequency of 62-70 MHz, and when your frequency drops to 58 MHz, that is when disease starts1. Bacteria, viruses, and disease each have their own, low frequency that influence your energy field2.

Trapped emotions stored in our organs, muscles and tissues as pockets of electromagnetic energy also have a negative influence our wellbeing.we can actively make changes to raise or maintain a high vibration.

Start by cutting out toxic, low-vibrational people from your life that make you or your thoughts turn negative. Think positive! Our thoughts are vibrations too, we can change our frequency by reframing our perception into something more positive and of a higher vibration.

Eating organic foods and herbs, essential oils, as they have a higher vibrational frequency, and cutting out processed junk foods.

Hold the thoughts for a prolonged period of time and practice becoming the vibrational match to what you want. It’s in every spiritual text ever written. You know, the truth and the answers are always right in front of us. We just need to learn to “see” them and It’s more than seeing with your physical eyes. It’s learning to really “see”.  


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