Most of us never expand our consciousness beyond the physical body that we can see and touch, but that is only one part of our true self.We came into this physical body with a purpose, and that is to grow and evolve. So we embarked on this game.there are rules in how you play the game.


The main concept of this law is that everything is connected and everything is affected by everything else in existence and that includes you. You are affected by the Cosmic energy and as an individual who is part of the universe – your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actions have an effect on everything else to some degree.

Together we are creation. What this Universal Law is stating, is that you and God as well as the rest of the human race are part of the same whole unlike the common belief that you are separate from God and other people.

We are all connected to one source. Everything we do effects the collective consciousness of the entire universe.
That is why when we contribute to others and in some way make their lives better, it gives us the highest joy.It is better to give than to receive and that is because when we give, when we share what we have, it makes us feel good.

That is also why the word Namaste is so powerful. It means I see the divine in you. Put another way is, I see God's light in you.

Everything that exists seen and unseen are connected to each other, inseparable from each other to a field of divine oneness.  Divine all knowing, the matrix, pure consciousness or universal mind energy, sometimes also known as cosmic energy or God.  Everything is one.

So if this is true, then everything we think, feel, speak of, or do relates to an effects all others. Once we start to understand this we can start to identify with the good in others and the more kindness we show to others the closer we become to God and our higher selves.

Here is an analogy which will help you to understand how you belong to the greater web of life. What is it that you can do with a single brick? Well, you can use it as a door stop or maybe a paper weight, but its uses are pretty limited when used alone. If you now have over a billion bricks, think of all the possibilities before you. These bricks can be used to erect a wall, a fort, build houses, driveways, churches, schools, fences, chimneys, fireplaces, lamp posts, and so on. You need all of them assembled together to create that which you desire and a single brick could never accomplish this by itself. That single brick becomes very important though, when used as part of the whole. It becomes support for the other bricks but also needs the support of the rest of the bricks to become important and valuable as well. If you work alone, for your self interest and think that you do not need others to help you in your life, then you are like that single brick. You are useful but are not attaining your potential. Once you extend yourself to others, the very talents and skills that you have will be used for the benefit of everyone and the others you work with will also help you out by sharing their different talents and skills for the greater good of everyone.

How can we apply this to our lives?

• It’s acceptance of everything is separately together. There is no separation. There’s just levels of individuality that we’ve been given to allow us to experience things in a different way. When we know this, we can start to work with each other better, because we then start to realize that actually if we’re all One, then everything is ME and everything is YOU and everything is THEM. And they’re all Oneness.

And therefore, that will remove the need for fighting, remove the need for wars, remove the need for “I must have this as mine and that’s yours.” We would share everything. We would experience everything together. We would work with everybody, making sure that we all evolve together. Nobody is in competition with each other. There is no need for competition.

• The important thing to remember is that we are all connected and if this is true then the way we treat others is how we treat ourselves. So instead of simply reacting when someone does something, first think how you would like to be reacted to in that situation.This goes for both good situations and bad, whether this person is deserving of praise or in your mind the opposite.


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