What is 'Om', 'Ohm' ,' Aum' ?

       Om is considered as one of the most important spiritual symbols.
'Om’, ‘Ohm’ or ‘Aum’ is a sound of the universe or cosmic sound.
      “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
So in the beginning there was nothing Instead of sound vibration and after that the material world was born.
       Om is the mantra of the Atman or higher self. Om sound is connected to the chakras throughout the body, especially the third eye and crown chakras, which help us connect with our Divine selves.  

OM symbol elements -

      The Om symbol is made of curves, a crescent and a dot. The letter 'A' shows the waking state, 'U' shows the dream state and 'M' is the unconscious state, or state of deep sleep.
        In the symbol, Bottom curve represents waking state, middle curve represents the dream state and the upper curve represents the deep sleep. The crescent shape above the curves denotes Maya, or Illusion.
       The dot at the top of the symbol represents the absolute peace and bliss. In this fourth state someone could truly connect with the Divine.
         The mind is shut down, dreaming and desiring of nothing when the mind is in unconscious, or deep sleep, state. The waking state is general consciousness, involves the use of the five senses in experiencing the world. A different world is experienced through dreams in the dream state. The absolute state is when consciousness faces quiet and blissful and it is the ultimate spiritual state of being.
Om in Yoga and meditation-

        The Om chanting is normally used in Yoga and meditation practices.The sound and the vibrations it makes, helps to calm the mind.
            We suffer from stress in our day to day life.so giving some time to chant and ease the mind can be very helpful and beneficial to our health
      So there are many benefits to om chanting.Like improving concentration,reducing stress levels, regulating your sleep cycle,feeling more energized and invigorated,letting go of negativity.


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